My artwork explores varying relationships between the individuals and myself, crossing over boundaries between portraiture and environmental portraits.
Throughout one’s everyday life, taking on responsibilities and routine, during the course of a particular day, randomly, both the mind and the spirit may suddenly feel overwhelmed. In the drowning sensation of that brief moment, escape comes to mind, bringing one immediately to the thought and desperate need of the desire to go to that special place which is our very own individual safe haven.
This haven is that one intimate physical space that just simply stops and freezes time, to drown out all the noise, to find inner peace, to reorganize, restructure, regroup, and refocus. It enables one to clearly think, to dig deeper, and find oneself. Not only does it rejuvenate one, it solidifies the consciousness as to self-identity and individuality. It inspires one back onto their chosen path to once again face the world with fortitude and vigor.
During the process, that ultimately leads me to the final image, it all begins with a vibe that I initially get from each individual, it is about a connection that grows with each and every one of them, distinctively different and unique from one another. The final outcome is a culmination and representation of understanding the subject on another level.
This photo series of these individuals within their safe havens, in the hope to capture the magic.